Another C
Another C is a hide-out restaurant with only 8 seatings. It is relaxing and let you forget the bustles of the busy city. It is located on the fourth floor of the corner building of Kiyamachi Sanjo and overseas the Takase river.
Chef Tominaga will prepare the dinner and atmosphere for each customer’s situation.
This restaurant is a fusion of New York where the chef grew up, and Kyoto where he studied Japanese cuisine.
So we are looking forward to seeing you with our borderless, free, fun, stylish, nice atmosphere and his “Modern Japanese Food”.
CHEF Dan Tominaga
富永 暖
Enjoy the dinner filled with pleasure
What is important to you? It could be enough rest, smiles, reading, meeting new people, your partner, or emotional relaxation.
We produce dishes that suites your situation.
Only 8 customers are served a day at AnotherC. In a lively atmosphere, your five senses will enjoy the exciting time.
Exploration of Modern Japanese Dishes
The flavor of NY, where the chef grew up, and Kyoto, where he trained as a chef of Japanese cuisine, are concentrated into one.
We explore the world of unique modern Japanese more freely, more exciting, and more stylish.
Carefully Selected Fresh Ingredients
You can enjoy freshly harvested Kyoto vegetables from Ohara and Tanba.
Beefs are from Satsuma Black Japanese cattle grown in the nature of southern region rich in greenly.
Grilling the surface with charcoal will concentrate the flavor and finish with a soft touch.
We value the original flavor of the ingredient and have you enjoy the refined and sensitive flavors.
富永 暖
He moved to New York when he was 10 years old. He lived with his family who owned a grocery store.
After graduating from NY’s high school, he came back to Japan by himself to become as a chef of Japanese cuisine in Kyoto.
He trained in “Kibune Hiroya” and “Sakuragawa”.
In 2004, he was promoted as the head chef of “MEGU” at Tribeca in NY where many gourmet from all over the world visit.
He took command as a head chef in the kitchen of restaurant in New York, which is like a war zone.
He opened “Another C” in Kiyamachi Sanjo, Kyoto in 2015, and published a book called “Super Easy Idea Recipes by the Genius Chef Who Charmed the Celebrities in New York” in 2016.
He is also active in various areas fields as cooking classes, food collaboration, TV, and magazines.
10歳のときニューヨークへ。食材店を営む両親、兄弟と過ごす。NY Port Washington Schreiber High School卒業後、単身帰国し、京都にて日本料理人の道に入る。「貴船ひろや」「日本料理櫻川」で修行を積む。
2004年、再び渡米。世界中から名だたる美食家が訪れるNYトライベッカ「MEGU」にてHead Chefに就任。戦場のようなNYのレストランの厨房で、料理長として陣頭指揮をとる。
2016年「NYセレブを魅了した天才シェフの超簡単 ひらめきレシピひらめきレシピ」を光文社より出版。料理教室、料理コラボ、TV、雑誌ほか、アクティブに活動中。